Why choose Happyful for your business?

Improving work culture & employee wellbeing leads to better company results.

Why choose Happyful for your business?

We now know that improving work culture and showing an interest in employee wellbeing leads to better company results*. But what if we stepped it up a notch — What if we were genuinely active in improving employee wellbeing?

Large companies are quickly learning that rather than faking or feigning an interest in an employee’s wellbeing, it’s far more productive to offer a genuine pathway of personal development.

Investing in an employee’s wellbeing does 3 things:

  1. It disarms and primes an employee’s (aka person) own value-based quest for a meaningful pathway;
  2. The employer (aka person too) has enacted their own meaningfulness by providing a genuine pathway to an employee (person) in a value-based and meaningful manner; and
  3. Because the pathway is genuine from both parties, it’s a true win win.

The opportunity is now (finally)

An opportunity has recently arisen to genuinely provide the best opportunity for employees. Prior to this, we have simply looked at things mostly from a company perspective and more specifically to drive the company dollar. (I.e.what measures can a company put in place that will yield a better return).

If I do X, like providing better working conditions or feign an interest in an employee’s well-being, I will end up in front (dollar wise). But there’s an adage that says ‘the more you focus on money, the more you miss it’.

We discovered at Happyful that’s it’s the same with happiness, ‘the more you focus on getting happy the more you miss it’. That is, in both instances of chasing the dollar or chasing happiness as a singular substrate, neither pursuit comes to fruition (or at least not effectively). Alternatively, if we focus on what we truly value within ourselves and set out clear goals that align with what we truly value, then we are more likely to be happier in our workplace and improve company performance at the same time.

Genuine Effort

Not only do business leaders need to make employees feel valued, but they must also take responsibility to help uncover and support their employee’s values.

The best way to do this, is to simply understand the values that underpin the employee as a human being in the first instance. What do they hold as their highest value and regard.

What Happyful puts front and centre is to help an individual not only understand their own values, but to provide tools and a framework to actualise them — that is, an individual comes into their own.
